Monday, March 3, 2014


On Friday, Whin was brilliant. 
I started asking her (leg then half halt)to sit a bit more and she did. She just floated, I was so proud of her.

Saturday we did another jump lesson. Whin really had  changed her mind about jumping... She stayed positive the whole time. The jumps were tiny 1' but she took them in stride she even started actually jumping over them instead of just trotting them like cavalettis. 

also my jump trainer decided I should  do flying changes if Whin landed on the wrong lead.  she put some poles down so after the jump I sat deep in my saddle half halted like crazy and asked for a change... and I rebalanced and asked over the second pole and I asked a stride after the pole and pop clean change!!!!

we had a few miss fires but we got a leaping but clean change the other way too ... so I am very pleased with her, 

She has gotten a snotty nose though so she is taking some time off. Whin is very displeased that I am taking her temperature often to make sure she isn't running a fever.

All King Edwards Horses Can Make Best Friends

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