Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lately I have been riding a horse for a friend,  Usually I ride Whin first but today she was second. You know I really think she tried just a little harder.
She was so good today, the arena was deep again, and as I mentioned it's just frustrating to work on canter much because Whin has a hard time in the deep footing.
I did do alot of walk trot.  I realized that doing the transition got her to sit more and brought her poll up. Whin started out a little heavy but every time she started to lean I would make her transition and she would come light again.
I also worked on halt, she can't halt. Whin hasn't had the hula butt lately but now that we have started rienback she is absolutely sure that that is what I want every time we halt. So we worked on halting and just sitting there and then when I put my leg on going forward again instead of back. I really should do halts every day as they seem to be very hard for Whin.

We also worked on shoulder and haunches in. I need to get the transition between the two quicker. I think that its more a me problem. I take for ever to reposition myself for the new movement.

All King Edwards Horses Can Make Best Friends

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