My weeks have been a bit crazy, I am selling at the Local Comic Convention at the end of the week and so riding has been taking a bit of a back seat.
I did have a lesson last week. It was good we went out to my trainers to ride in her arena. Whin was a freight train.
She doesn't usually get like this when she is excited usually she becomes hotter and lighter in the forehand, on Thursday she was heavy and just didn't have breaks.
We muddled through 2nd level test 2 and 3. I actually found test 2 easier than test 1. but there is no way I am going to fake it in second level if she is like that, First level I think we could pull off even if she isn't super ridable but second no way!
We did have lovely Mediums though She could have had more lift in the forehand. I suppose it will all work out even if we do make a total mess of our test the first few times out.