Monday, April 14, 2014

Short and Sweet

My weeks have been a bit crazy, I am selling at the Local Comic Convention at the end of the week and so riding has been taking a bit of a back seat.
I did have a lesson last week. It was good we went out to my trainers to ride in her arena.  Whin was a freight train.
She doesn't usually get like this when she is excited usually she becomes hotter and lighter in the forehand, on Thursday she was heavy and just didn't have breaks.

We muddled through 2nd level test 2 and 3. I actually found test 2 easier than test 1.  but there is no way I am going to fake it in second level if she is like that, First level I think we could pull off even if she isn't super ridable but second no way!

We did have lovely Mediums though She could have had more lift in the forehand. I suppose it will all work out even if we do make a total mess of our test the first few times out.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Weekend Review

I was painting a picture to go with this post but, I decided to just post with out it since I have a booth selling art at a local comic convention next week and I am crazy busy trying to get ready for that.

Last Thursday I had a lesson.  We ran through second level test 1. Oh boy am I out of practice with my geometry. Um lets just say that we kind of looked drunk making our way around the menage.
 I have been going on about changes for weeks now and they are finally getting a bit better, however we tried to do the serpentine at the canter and what does Miss smarty pants do...
 flying changes, nice clean ones.

Just 2 weeks ago we could counter canter on circles bending to the inside...

I suppose it was to be expected, and secretly I am not %100 displeased with this development. But to get her to stay on the counter canter I have to sit to the outside, and I mean I feel like Squanto leaning off the side of my horse!

Friday we did Hill work

Saturday we jumped

and I have video evidence!
2 feet, the highest Whin has jumped. I know its tiny still, but for a couple of dressage diva's its a big deal!

We have to trot the jump because I don't remember well enough what the striding is so I just sit there ready for two point, and poor Whin is like "you tell me what to do every stride, and you abandon me now!?!" and that results in us knocking it over because we never actually jump.

But considering 2 months ago we were having conniption fits about a 6" bounce we have made good progress!

Monday,  we worked on halts. because they don't exist. Some how the further up the levels we go the worse are halts get.

Now they are halt almost square, then do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around.  I think it is because I am asking Whin to be more forward and more hot,as a result she can no longer hold still.

In the end we got a few decent halts, with Whin's diva personality we halt and I have to immediately start patting her and telling her how wonderful she is so that she will relax and understand that this is what she is supposed to do.

All King Edwards Horses Can Make Best Friends

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

New Coaster!

I have been experimenting  with new colors of coasters.

So far I am happy with a really light one with dark paint

I have also been experimenting with different types of paint, because spray paint does not agree with me.  It is fun to get messy, I work digitally so much these days its rare that I get my hands messy (at least while painting)

I have some dark tiles that I am experimenting with too

Once I get one that I am happy with on the dark tile I will post it.

And here is a coaster in use!

I am having tons of fun with these coasters! I feel that I will need to have a hot chocolate party so that I have an excuse to use them!

All King Edwards Horses Can Make Best Friends

PS If you are interested in the light coasters they are available on my Etsy Shop, just follow the link on the side of this blog.


I got to ride Whin today, seriously I feel like I haven't hardly ridden her lately. It was a snowy cold day today which had Whin a little on edge.

Before I even got on Whin was giving me the signs that she might be evil twin today (She actually is a twin)  So I started off with some ground work to try to get her brain with me. I did some turns on the forehand, halts and turn on the haunches. When she was able to halt I hopped on and started our ride. A friend was there so I forced her to take pics.

They aren't the best quality and she was only there for the warm up but I just cant get enough pictures of my Whin!

We just worked on shoulder in haunches in, because that is a nice controlled exercise, she wanted to blow up once but she let me diffuse it.
We did do some Canter shoulder in she thinks that is hard. I haven't done very much lateral work in the canter so it is time to get on that!

The good news is that now I am feeling confident in my canter walk transitions. We got every tranistion but one, and I knew she wasn't collected enough to do it. So as long as I stick to my guns and collect her canter, I think those will not be a problem.

I am just crossing my fingers that this video works. This is also from out warm up. Please don't Judge us too harshly!

All King Edwards Horses Call Me Blessed Fool

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Cat like behavior #1 hanging out in window sills
cat like behavior #2 sleeping on the back of couches
Cat like behavior #3 playing with yarn


My poor Whin has been so neglected. she had three days off. I finally managed to sneak in a ride on her yesterday.
I have been riding in the arena quiet late at night so I surprised when the arena was full, and I am not sure that Whin ever goes out of heat so, I was a little nervous.

It's also nerve racking because some of the other riders were barrel racers which means they go from 0-30 in about 5 seconds, Whin thinks that they are spooking or something because she usually reacts to them but yesterday she was not bad, we had a few mini reactions but nothing big.

She even got so good I though I would try some flying changes. At first she wouldn't collect in the canter she would be flat and then when I asked for more collection she broke to the trot, I gave her a few taps and she decided she could manage to come up instead of just breaking gait.
I discovered something,with the changes, It will have to change eventually  but it works better for now.  My trainer was telling me to switch the position of my leg  before I asked for the change. I think she meant with in the same stride but I started doing a stride before I ask and then Whin started to do changes.
For now I will keep this up but I realize it will have to go faster, eventually for tempis.

another thing I discovered are

 These^^ I love them.
 Whey are perfect for an after ride wipe down. I got a bit carried away cleaned my saddle, girth, and both bridles. But everything needed a cleaning!

All King Edwards Horses Can Make Best Friends

PS I am sorry I wanted to post new coasters this weekend but it got kinda crazy. I will keep you posted.